Zebra Plant

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The zebra plant is also known as the aphelandra squarrosa and perfect for your home or office. This tropical plant is typically grown indoors and has its roots in Brazil. With proper care, these plants can grow up to 3ft tall and 3ft wide.

People not only love it for its leaves but for its colourful flowers as well. The leaves are ovate at the tips of its long stalks.

Plant Care

  • Indoor Plant
  • Water every 3-4 days
  • Total Size approx. 21cm(W) x 40cm(H)

The zebra plant is also known as the aphelandra squarrosa and perfect for your home or office. This tropical plant is typically grown indoors and has its roots in Brazil. With proper care, these plants can grow up to 3ft tall and 3ft wide.

People not only love it for its leaves but for its colourful flowers as well. The leaves are ovate at the tips of its long stalks.

Plant Care

  • Indoor Plant
  • Water every 3-4 days
  • Total Size approx. 21cm(W) x 40cm(H)