How to Take Properly Care for Outdoor Plants

Outdoor Plants

Outdoor plants are plants grown outdoors in the open spaces such as lawn and garden. There are broad categories of outdoor plant; trees, shrubs, succulents, flowering plants, non-flowering plants, etc.

Outdoor plants are lovers of direct light, regular moderate watering, but most can still thrive in unusual weather conditions for a while. That is, unlike indoor plants which are relatively limited by weather statuses.


Outdoor Plants Care Guide

  • Sunlight

Sunlight is the source of energy in plants, so if they’re going to be healthy, you need to ensure that they get enough of it.

Being outdoor plants, they obviously love a good amount of sunlight. Keep them in a spot where they can constantly receive direct light.

  • Watering

Water them regularly to keep them hydrated. They won’t come out their best when left dehydrated for a prolonged period.

Note that excessive watering or under-watering can subject outdoor plants to fungal diseases. So we recommend that you apply the right amount of watering to your plants.

  • Repotting

As plant take in nutrients, soils lose their physical properties. And so, when you notice that your plant’s soil has gotten worn-out, you need to replace it with a new one to aid the plants growth.

Always use fresh/new soil or potting mix when repotting outdoor plants. Also make sure that their containers are spacious enough, to enable them thrive best.

  • Fertilizer application

As plants take nutrients from them, soils lose their fertility with time. That leaves the plants to inadequate nutrients and hinder their growth.

Regularly apply fertilizers to your plant’s soil, at intervals, to replenish them. For many outdoor plants, natural and organic fertilizers work best.

  • Weeding

When weeds begin to crowd a plant, they’ll compete for soil nutrients, leaving the plants to low nutrients. Thus, weeds also hinder outdoor plants’ growths.

As soon as you notice weeds growing around your plants or in your garden, remove them. When the weeds are still scarce, you can remove them simply by just uprooting with hands. For areas where the weeds are more concentrated, you might need to use garden tools like a hoe and pick.

  • Pest/diseases control

Pest can easily destroy plants within a blink of an eye. You can get rid of most pests by setting up barriers and traps.

Like pests, diseases retard plants’ health. They are usually caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. If your any of plants get infected, you need to use appropriate chemicals to kill the disease-causing microorganism, to prevent further spread across the garden.

Also, keeping your garden clear of weeds and refuses can help keep away pest and prevent diseases.


Outdoor Plants to Grow

Here is a list of recommended easy-to-grow outdoor plants that will enhance your curb’s appeal:

The Garden Croton, also known as Variegated Laurel, comes in numerous varieties. They all feature brilliantly coloured leaves with glossy textures. The leaves are combinations of green, yellow, and pinkish colours, giving them attractive looks.

This plant has elegant and erect bluish-green leaves that shape like a bird. It can thrive in most weather conditions, so it’s grown both outdoors and indoors.

This is another easy-to-grow beautifying plant - it won’t consume your time, but will turn out great nevertheless.

This plant, also known as Monstera deliciosa, is a ‘tough’ one – it can survive in all sorts of harsh weather conditions. So regardless of the environment it finds itself in, it’ll thrive to grow elegantly, and render nature beauty as well.