The Proper Plants Watering Guide

Water is responsible for all life on earth – without it, all plants, animals, and people would die. Some plants naturally need more water than others depending on different factors like the type of plant and soil on which it’s grown. Overwatering and underwatering can lead to one unhealthy (or even dead) plant. This means that you need to find the watering sweet spot for your plant.
In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about watering your plants.

How is water helpful to the plants?

Plants need a steady stream of water to aid in their structure – they gain and retain their shape thanks to water pressure. The plants contain cells that act like water balloons. Once they’re filled with water and become stiff, they enable the plant to stay upright. If there’s a water shortage, water leaves the cells causing them to deflate. This causes the plant to wilt.
Apart from structural supports, other functions of water in plants are:
  • Cooling the plant when it gets hot
  • Moving minerals from the soil to the required area

The golden rules: How to water your houseplants

While some plants require plenty of water to survive, others are fine with a dry spell here and there. There are some basic rules on the dos and don’ts on how to water houseplants.
Here are some tips on watering for optimum plant health:
  1. Do follow a watering schedule
Come up with a plan that’ll guide you on how frequently to water your plant depending on its needs. The general rule is that you should water your plant at least once a week although some plants need water more or less often.
While you still follow a watering schedule, you should still do random checks to see if your plant needs water before the next watering session. Touch the soil to know if your plant needs a drink. If the soil is dry, the plant needs water, and if it’s moist, hold off on watering.
  1. Don’t use soft water
The type of water used greatly affects the health of the plant. Softened water contains sodium which negatively affects the plant’s health. It’s best that you use filtered or distilled water.
If you’re using tap water to water houseplants, leave it to sit for a while since most of the piped water contains chlorine which can also affect the plants.
  1. Do consider the plant size
The plant size affects the pot size. Small pots come with less soil that tends to dry out faster. On the other hand, larger pots have more soil and need more water. Before you water houseplants in large pots, first check the soil. If it’s dry, pour water into it and let it soak. Repeat until the soil is saturated. Check if the soil has dried up before watering the plant again.
  1. Don’t let the plants sit in water
While your plants need adequate water, you shouldn’t go overboard with the watering. If you accidentally add too much water, you can use a turkey baster to remove the excess water.
Indoor plant watering largely depends on the plant’s needs and growth patterns. The trick to learning the frequency of watering lies in how well you know your plant.
  1. Do use a watering can

When watering your plants, don’t just give them a tiny sip, allow the water to sip into the soil and soak it thoroughly. This will encourage healthy root system development. This is where watering cans come in. these allow you to irrigate in a way that saves water. They have long sprouts that allow you to precisely direct the flow of water to the base of the plant.

How do you know if you’re overwatering?

Everywhere you go, you get tons of advice to stay hydrated. However, plants drown if they’re overwatered. Too much water in the soil causes root rot and eventually the plant dies.
Here’s how you can tell if you have gone too far in the watering department and need to cut back:
  1. The soil is always wet to touch
  2. The leaves start yellowing
  3. The leaves have brown edges or spots
  4. The stems become wet and squishy
  5. The soil starts attracting pests

Popular houseplants found in most homes

There are so many reasons why we enjoy keeping plants in our homes. They’re not only pretty but also help with concentration and creativity and purify the air. Here are some low-maintenance plants that you can keep in your house:
  1. Mixed Golden Kudzu
This plant is native to several Asian countries including China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia. It has pale green trifoliate leaves that are tolerant to low light conditions.
The Mixed Golden Kudzu should be watered every 3-4 days.
  1. Aloe Vera (Small)
Aloe Vera plants can be kept both indoors and outdoors. These therapeutic plants are loved for their moisturizing, soothing, and cooling properties. They’re fairly low-maintenance and should be watered every 3-4 days.
  1. Ming Tree
Ming trees have tripinnate leaves that appear divided with a smooth texture. They are seasonal bloomers that produce pale-yellow to white flowers in summer.
These indoor plants can grow to a height of up to 8ft with a spread of 2-3ft. People manage the plant’s growth by pinching off the new growths. These plants should be watered at least once per week.


Watering plants seems like a no-brainer but how often should you water your plants and how much water do they need? Just like different types of plants need varying amounts of light, different plants require varying amounts of water.
It’s all about timing – you need to figure out how much water is enough and how much can be a challenge. Only then can you keep your houseplant happily hydrated.