Tips and Guide on Zebra Plant Care
As mentioned earlier, growing and maintaining zebra plants isn't as tough as most gardeners perceive it. With the right conditions for its growth, your house plant can thrive without causing much trouble. Not to worry, here are all the suitable conditions to make it easy for you;
- Soil
The best soil for Zebra plants has a neutral to acidic pH. Make sure your soil has good drainage. Adding some sand into your pot will ensure that the soil drains properly. Zebra plants do well in humid but not wet soils. If your soil drains poorly, they suffer from leaf droop and risk dying off.
- Light
Zebra plants are naturally used to growing under tropical canopies; hence, they thrive in partial shades and indirect sunlight. The succulent Zebra plants do well in full sunlight and a varying amount of water under different light exposure levels. They require more water under deep light than in partial shade.
- Humidity
The succulents do well in room temperatures and the natural humidity in a house, but the Aphelandra squarrosa type requires relatively higher humidity up to 70% and temperatures between 55 and 60 degrees.
- Nutrients
Apply fertilizer more frequently during summer and spring to aid in blooming but reduce it to once a week during winter when the plants are semi-dormant. With adequate nutrients, the plants will produce more foliage and flowers.
- Propagation
If there is something that shouldn't worry you, have your Zebra plant around for a long time. You can always grow new plants from plant stems. You only need to cut a stem of around 15 cm from the part of the parent plant with a sprout. Apply rooting hormones on the cutting skin and place it in a growing media until it forms roots. Now your plant I ready for transplanting into a pot.
Some plants like the succulents will have new and young plants sprouting at the base, easy to transplant.